On Thursday, Kangana Ranaut experienced an unfortunate incident at Chandigarh airport. The actor-turned-politician was reportedly slapped by a Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel. Kangana took to social media to assure her fans and the public that she was safe. Kangana Describes the Incident In a video statement on her Instagram stories, Kangana Ranaut detailed […]
Kangana Ranaut Slapped by a CISF Constable Jawan At The Airport
Kangana Ranaut Slapped by a CISF Jawan video goes viral on the internet and social media. In this video, we have seen Kangana Ranaut Slapped by a CISF at Chandigarh airport while checking the time. She is a famous actor and a politician, and she got Y plus security with his at that airport, which […]
BJP Loses Seats | Congress to the Front in Vote Shares
Narendra Modi is all set to take the Oath for the 3rd time as the Prime Minister but there has been an unexpected downfall in the votes for BJP. The opposition, Congress, Samajwadi Party, and Trinamool Congress made it to the Lok Sabha majorities. BJP in Chandigarh: The results have not been positive for BJP […]
Who Has the Upper Hand Between BJP and Opposition After 6th Phase?
Lok Sabha Election 2024: At the last stage, BJP is hoping to win 370 seats in the current elections. The last phase of elections will be held on June 1 and counting of votes will take place on June 4. Political parties are making various claims regarding the outcome of Lok Sabha elections 2024. The […]
MLAs Withdrew Support: BJP Lost Majority in Haryana
The three MLAs namely, Sombhir Sangwan, Dharampal Gonder and Randhir Gollen have decided to cut off their support towards BJP and extend their hands with Congress during these elections. They made a public conference in the presence of Bhupinder Singh Hooda (former Haryana Chief Minister) and Udai Bhan (State Congress). The three announced their withdrawal […]
14 People Got Citizenship And Certificate Under CAA
After the notification of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), 14 people were given citizen certificates today. With this, the process of giving Indian citizenship to persecuted non-Muslim migrants from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan has started. According to PTI, an official source said that Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla gave certificates to 14 people after their […]
Crossing 400 Is Not a Slogan But The Reality is Visible| Said PM Modi
Four phases of the Lok Sabha elections have been completed. BJP’s slogan ‘This time we crossing 400’ is not an election issue. It sounds like you’re referring to a topic that’s generated some interest or conversation. Rahul Gandhi claims that BJP’s number is not going to go above 150. But PM Modi ji feels that […]
Election Commission Bans Children From Campaign Appearances
In a blow to political parties before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Election Commission has banned the inclusion of children and minors in the election campaign. Income The Commission says that if any candidate is found violating the guidelines, action will be taken against him under the Child Labor Prohibition Act The Election Commission […]
Now Onwards Gujarat Want To Take Permission To Change Religion
Gujarat government has recently explained that Hinduism and Buddhism must be compared as two different religions Gujarat government has recently explained that Hinduism and Buddhism must be compared as two different religions for religious transformation in the state. April 8, a note by the Gujarat government for Hindus- mostly Dalits are transforming or converting to […]
Iran May Attack Israel Soon | US President Joe Biden Alerts
Following attack Israel on an Iranian trade ambassador in Syria last week, the White House has said that the threat of an attack by Iran remains. Another war is looming in the midst of the Hamas-Israel war. It is being said that Iran is preparing a major attack Israel. America’s patriarch Joe Biden has warned […]