If These Charges Prove True Telegram App Will Be Banned in India
Just after a day, when Pavel Durov (the CEO of Telegram app) was arrested on 24th August, in France, various investigations on the Telegram app were started. It is known from a post from MoneyControl that, the government is running various investigations on the Telegram app. For its misuse in activities like gambling, threats and other criminal activities. The government said that if these investigation charges are proven to be true, Telegram app would be banned in India.
Why was Pavel Durov arrested?
It is reported that Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram was into many criminal and alleged activities. Including fraud, cyber bullying, drug trafficking, and terrorism promotion activities. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of Electronics and Technology (MeitY) of the Indian Government are running an investigation. Though, a proper rule for ban is not out yet, the final decision whether to ban Telegram app or not will come out after the final results.
Was Telegram app involved in UGC-NEET paper leak?
Furthermore, Telegram’s involvement in activities like extortion and illegal activities has always been there. Moreover, In the recent controversy of the paper leak of NEET exam, entrance exam for medical students was leaked and widely shared. It is believed that the paper was leaked on Telegram app; this has increased its scrutiny. The reports show that the paper was sold for 10,000 and 5,000 on the application.
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Telegram is focused on the complaint. That it follows the rules of the IT policies of the India and Indian laws. To which, Indian government is investigating. However, this is not easy as there is no physical presence of Telegram in India. The company has even appointed a chief compliance and a nodal officer, which publishes their monthly reports.
Lastly, in October 2023, a complaint was filed on Telegram, from the IT ministry of India. Directing them to remove the child abuse and child sexual abuse material (CSAM) from their application.