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Indian Railways- To Launch Special Device During Festival Season

The ministry of Indian railway wrote a letter to the general manager of different zones for asking their consent for starting special drive against the unauthorized and ticketless travelers specially the policeman as they are the top violators. The time period will be from 1st October till 15th October and from 25th October till 10th November during festival season. And if somebody will be caught by the Indian railways then actions will be taken against them as per the provisions of the railway act.

Recently it was found that hundred of peoples including police were travelling in various trains in AC coaches without ticket. And when fine where imposed on them they threatened the railway ticket checker and refused to pay the fine. The Indian railway officials remain unafraid from the police and made them pay. The response of the authorized persons with valid tickets were very encouraging and they were very joyful and surprised to see the actions taken by railway officials with the police. Ticket checking officials of Indian railways basically wants to focus on policeman because they travel without tickets and create nuisance with normal people travelling with tickets in train.

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In the recent past, approximately 1,17,633 policeman have been caught travelling without tickets and a total fine of Rs. 9,14,58,171 is collected from them only in the NCR zone. Policeman are breaking the law and are creating the biggest nuisance by travelling without tickets and trouble the travelers those who have tickets by asking them to share their seats. The Indian railway officials have caught 3,61,045 lakh unauthorized persons and policeman who are travelling without tickets and total of Rs.2231.74 crore is collected from them as fines.

In order to maintain the nuisance during the festival season, it is decided by the general manager of Indian railway to launch a special ticket-checking drive.

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