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Mother – The Best Director We Have Got From Lap Of Universe

A mother is the first guru who cares his child in her womb for 9 months and nurtures her with full heart.

She even avoids what not to eat while you were in womb so that nothing should spoil the nurture of child.
She can decipher everything what his child need at the time of birth. She loves his child unconditionally that she even forgot to eat make his child eat first so that he get the best he can get and guides them on the right path in life. Even she ensure the safety in the best way she can offer and even sometimes she puts her heart t make that things possible for her child.

Counting the depth of her sacrifice is not practically possible as its priceless. On every second Sunday of may every years mothers day is celebrated across globe. Some brings gifts and some cakes for her and some take her out for celebration and make her special. But the best gift she need is caring and love what you can give her. Off all handmade gifts always holds a special place in her heart.Mother is the only person that child seeks while retuning on home. She take care of her child till her last breath. we cant count the contribution that she is there from morning to night. She do all the work of the house even if she is tired also contributions to our lives.

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And they never expect anything is return for all the showers of blessings and the pamper on us. However we can be thankful to our mother for all she has done in our life. Its she who shapes the character and personality of child. All mother plays a role of a good producer in our life. She take care of everything That her child needs. She also teaches from wrong doing and dissuades them when going on wrong path. She scolds her child and guides the right path that why she is called as a best teacher. For mother whole world is her child. Its our duty also to take care of our her, never let her make unhappy or disrespect them.

She always motivates her child and encourage them to move and always make her confident and courageous. A mother happiness is always depends on her children, if he is unhappy she will always be unhappy also also and try to make her child happy as she can. When child is in trouble she helps and forgot her pain and tensions.
Mother feeds her child with their favourite dishes, the best she can serve his child. She also helps his child in preprating projects and help to cope up in studies.She teaches his child with good manners, equilty humanity also. She make him stand alone and become his shades of protection evrytime his child needs him she is available for his child.
At the end mother is everything and moon signifies mother so take care of your mother to enhance you luck in life.

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