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Pterosaurs: Cousins of Flying Dinosaurs Discovered and Fossils Found

Pterosaurs: A species of flying dinosaur bird has been discovered in Bavaria, Germany. It was found in this area 140 million to 80 million years ago. It was a cousin of the dinosaur. This new species of bird is making it easier for scientists to understand the lineage of flying dinosaurs i.e. pterosaurs.

A new species of flying cousins ​​of dinosaurs has been discovered. This flying pterosaur bird was found 147 million years ago in a region called Bavaria in Germany. When this bird spread its wings, it was 7 feet long. It had a special structure of bones from its beak to its nostrils. Inside its mouth, there were a series of sharp teeth.

This creature’s favorite prey were lizards or small rat-like creatures. Scientists have discovered a new species of flying dinosaurs in Germany. Its fossil has been found. This fossil is completely safe. Because of this, more information about pterosaurs is being received.

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These birds were there at the end of the Jurassic period:

This species has been named Skiphosoura Bavaria. Dinosaur birds of this species existed during the end of the Jurassic period. This was a species with physical modifications of small pterosaur dinosaurs with long tails. 80 million years ago in the Cretaceous period, they became the ancestors of a creature named Quetzalcoatlus. Their wings were as long as today’s F-16 fighter jets.

More information about pterosaur birds:

Archaeologist David Hone of Queen Mary University of London said that this is a very important discovery. The study report has recently been published in the journal Current Biology. Scyphosura Bavaria is providing us with more information about pterosaur birds.

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After the discovery of pterosaurs, scientists are working hard to identify its species:

This bird has also been called the Sword-Tail of Bavaria. Its tail was short and pointed. Its fossil was discovered in 2015 but since then its study has been going on continuously. Due to its strange structure, scientists had to work hard so that it could be found out which species of dinosaur it was.


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