There are many mysteries related to space which are yet to be revealed. Astronauts keep visiting the space station from time to time to gather information related to space. Many challenges have to be faced during space travel and it is also very risky. You must have seen that astronauts always wear white clothes but very few people know the science behind it. Let us tell you about the white clothes worn by astronauts.

The temperature in space is always changing. When astronauts are in sunlight, the temperature can be very high. If they are away from sunlight, the temperature can be very low. White color reflects the most sunlight, due to which the suit remains cool. Due to this, astronauts can work in sunlight for a long time.

The environment of space is dark and open. In such a situation, it can be difficult to identify the situation. White colour is easily visible and different compared to other colours. If an astronaut comes out in an emergency situation, then other astronauts or rescue teams can easily see them.

White clothes are capable of reflecting different types of signals, including radio waves. This improves the performance of communication equipment, allowing astronauts to easily receive the necessary information.

Although white is the most common colour, other colours are also used in astronaut clothing. Astronauts also wear orange clothes. This colour also reflects sunlight and can be easily seen from a distance. It is usually worn during rescue operations.

When astronauts need to absorb sunlight, they use black colour. For example, in cold environments, or when temperature needs to be controlled.

For certain special tasks bright colours are used by astronauts. For example, while walking or conducting experiments in space. Visibility is also increased by these colours.

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