World No Tobacco Day | Preventing the Youth from Its Use
The theme for the 2024 No Tobacco Day is ‘protecting the children from the harms of tobacco’. This Day is observed every year on May 31. It is a global initiative to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco.
Smoking causes millions of deaths and healthcare failure like cancer, strokes, heart diseases and many more every year. In 1988, WHA40.38 Resolution was passed for the celebration of this Day on May 31. It informs and aware the people about the dangers of it.
Negative impacts on human health:
Lung Cancers- repeated exposure and usage of Tobacco damages the DNA of the lung cells and prevents its growth. Lung cancer can lead to other symptoms like chest pain, coughing and low quality life and survival.
Blood Clotting- excessive smoking causes Tobacco particles to mix with the blood making it a clot. The clot when reaches to the brain, it can cause diseases like paralysis and in several cases it can cause death.
Immune System Weakness- the chemicals present can reduce the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases. It also suppresses the immune function of the body causing regular illness.
Reduced Fertility- Tobacco chemicals affect the hormones and reproductive organs of both men and women. Problems of conceiving, miscarriage and severe complications can arise.
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Certain foods that can help reduce Tobacco cravings:
Water- although it is really essential to drink water. Simultaneously water is one of the most essential parts to reduce your cravings. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they increase its cravings.
Gums and Mints- whenever you feel like having Tobacco, have a gum or mint. You can chew it until your craving is gone. Keep it handy at all times with you.
Lime juice- after you smoke, your body craves Vitamin C which is abundant in Lime juices. They also have antibacterial properties to make your immune system strong.
If you ask, whether these foods can totally cure your smoking consumption? Then the answer is no. These foods can undoubtedly be a catalyst in your quitting journey but they are never an end point. They can definitely help you stop Tobacco cravings for 2 days but the 3rd day, you have to control yourself. In the end it is you, who have to be determined enough about quitting it.