About Some Most Powerful Nuclear Bombs in the World
Most powerful nuclear Bombs: Whenever there is talk of the war between Russia and Ukraine, it often comes down to nuclear war. If anyone has atomic weapons in today’s era, it is Russia. It is said that 9 countries of the world officially have about 13080 nuclear weapons. Let’s know which are the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world.
So far, more than 1000 years of war have been fought between Russia and Ukraine. During this time, the threat of nuclear war remains constant. Russian President Vladimir Putin has kept his nuclear weapons on alert. But he has not used them yet. There are about 9 countries in the world that have nuclear weapons. India, China, France, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Israel, England and America. All these countries together have 13080 atomic weapons.
According to the Arms Control Association, this data is publicly available. But its number could be higher. First, we should know the most powerful nuclear weapon in the world.
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(Russia) TSAR Bomba:
This is Russia’s most powerful nuclear bomb with a power of 50 megatons. No country has ever made a bigger explosion than this. This bomb was 3300 times more powerful than the 15-kiloton bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
(America) B-41 Hydrogen Bomb:
This bomb is America’s most powerful 25-megaton nuclear bomb. America still has variants of this bomb. Made in 1960, America still has many variants of this bomb.
(America) TX-21 Shrimp:
This 15-megaton bomb was developed in 1950. America also calls it a thermonuclear gravity bomb. On 1 March 1954, America exploded this bomb on Bikini Atoll of Marshall Islands. It was named Castle Bravo. Instead of dropping it in the air and exploding it on the ground. The explosion was two and a half times more powerful than expected.
(America) B-53 Hydrogen Bomb:
This is a 9-megaton power bunker buster bomb. It was developed by America during the Cold War. America made 340 such bombs between 1961 and 65. This 12.4-foot-long bomb weighs 4010 kg. But this bomb has been retired. Its new variant B83 has been made. Which is being said to be the most powerful bomb in the world at present. Its intensity is 1.2 megatons.
(Russia) AN-602:
This is an 8-megaton Soviet-era nuclear bomb, which was designed to destroy extremely strong bunkers. This is a smaller version of the Sar Bomba.
(America) B-77 Hydrogen Bomb:
The 7-megaton American nuclear bomb is still with the US Army. This bomb is dropped from a height of 60 thousand feet at supersonic speed.
(Russia) RDS-6:
A 6-megaton Soviet-era nuclear bomb, which was of low power. But today its variants are available. Russia carried out its first nuclear test in August 1953 with this bomb. This explosion was carried out in the atmosphere. That is, neither on the ground nor in the air.
(America) W53 Hydrogen Bomb:
This 5-megaton bomb was made in America in the 1960s. America has now miniaturized it and installed it in ICBM missiles.
(Russia) RS-28 Sarmat:
Russia’s RS-28 Sarmat i.e. Satan-2 is a ballistic missile but its speed makes it a hypersonic missile. This missile travels at a speed of 24,500 km/hr. Its range is 18 thousand kilometers. Many nuclear weapons can be installed in it. These were some of the World’s most powerful nuclear Bombs.
How Many Nuclear Weapons Does Which Country Have?
America has 5748, Russia has 5580, China has 500, France has 290, England has 225, India has 172, Pakistan has 170, Israel has 90 and North Korea has 50 nuclear weapons.
Which Country Has Deployed How Many Weapons?
Deployment of nuclear weapons means that these are kept in bombs, missiles, and fighter jets so that an immediate attack can be carried out whenever required. Russia has kept 1458 and America has kept 1389 weapons ready in attack mode. They can fire them whenever required.