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Analog Space Mission: Astronauts Will Stay Alone in a Deserted Place in Leh

Analog space mission The country’s first has launched in Leh. This mission includes scientists associated with the Gaganyaan mission, university academicians, and IIT engineers. It was started to ensure the safety of Indian astronauts outside the Earth.

How will people live in space? what type of environment are they going to live in? For this, the country’s first analog space mission started in Leh, Ladakh. Many organizations are working together to complete this mission. First is ISRO. Then there is the Human Spaceflight Center which runs the Gaganyaan project. AAKA Space Studio, Ladakh University, IIT Bombay, and Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council are also involved in this project.

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What Would an Analog Space Mission be Like?

In this way, Indian astronauts will live on other planets. How will settlements be built there? How will they survive? What challenges will there be? What will be the habitat of humans on another planet far away from Earth?

Apart from ISRO, scientists from government agencies, universities research labs, etc. will be involved in this mission. There will be new research on how to survive in adverse weather conditions.

New technologies, robotic devices, robotic vehicles, habitats, communications, power generation, mobility, infrastructure, and storage will be tested.

In this analog mission, it will also be seen how human behavior changes in adverse conditions and dangerous weather on other planets. In this, humans will be kept alone. They will be kept in teams. They will be given the same food and drink.

Previously, other countries have used analog missions to depart Earth’s atmosphere, land on the Moon, and orbit Earth.

Analog space missions are dangerous because it is done in an unknown place. People here become disturbed and irritable. In such a situation, studies are done on what kind of harm will happen in space so that astronauts can be kept safe. Such as radiation, loneliness, distance from the earth, gravity, etc.

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