Energy – Whatever You Focus On That Expands Widely
Everything is energy.
The difference between a product and a person is that we are spiritual. That means we can mold and influence other energies. We can change the energy of a table, chair, house, car, or even other people. (That’s the miracle of our lives.).One step further, it means we are all connected. We are nothing but energy, and if we are all one, then what you do affects me and what I do affects you, even if we are miles or continents apart, e.g., telepathy.
It’s all energy, and we’re all connected with and we all are surrounded by it and that is driving us all the day around.If you look at your energy circuit, is it clean or not, and are you free from the past? You could be ninety years old and still remember painful experiences because of a core belief you accepted when you were six years old.
People are still in search of ways to find peace outside and are blaming people or circumventing how they feel. That’s another way of discovering where you may not be clear inside. Think of how you feel about the people involved in what you want to create.
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Forgiveness is the best way I know to get yourself clear. And the best way to become forgiving is to feel gratitude. I will be talking more about gratitude, but for now, if we focus on what you like about people and do not talk about their habits, you will feel grateful, and then you will forget and get clear.
However, there isn’t any proof that he ever said or wrote those exact words. Despite this, the idea behind the quote is kind of linked to the Einstein theory of relativity, where Einstein shows that mass and energy are interchangeable, hinting at the inter contentedness of everything.
Be clear and free; don’t let anything block your energy. All you’re asked to do is say a couple paragraphs of words. Yet the script is based on the reprograming of your DNA structure. Your DNA speaks to your spirit, which helps you get clear and prepare yourself fundamentally. The script is the same. All you do is say it, inserting in the appropriate place what you are feeling at the time that you want to clear, and inserting in the appropriate place what you prefer to feel. This makes sense once you know the script, so here they are.
And I do mean everything. I am made up of same. You are made up of energy. The system I am typing on is made up of energy. We are all made up of atoms, which contain neutrons as well as protons with electrons around them. The very building blocks of who we are can be distilled into movement, or vibrations. Unfortunately for me, I simply did not realize that everything is energy, and my negative thoughts were creating a toxic reality for me. I will succeed. I believe in myself what drives me.