Exam Pressure Cooker on Today’s child and How to Pop Out
From the day we are born till our death, we all take exams aren’t strange? Yes, u heard it right but it’s true. We all are trained to make ourselves afraid, fear, and help. Just think of it when a kid is born and when he/she falls what all we do everyone in the house go and pick that child up and pampers that child. I know everyone has to care for kids. While growing attention hunger was fed in the beginning of the early stage.
Next time when that 2 or 3-year-old child falls he seeks help and someone will come and pick him up by hand if he falls down where no one is there he will get up after some time. Just think of it I am telling the real truth. You can see around.
When the kid grow from 4 to 5 years they fear when we put inside that small child that if they go there someone will pick them up, if they do this this will happen, don’t cross the road when cats cross the road, and there are many limiting believe which we program to kids and feed them directly and indirectly.
Exam Pressure on Growing Childrens
Sooner or later this becomes the habit and when the child comes at the age of 5 or 6 years the programming goes on further the pressure of coming first in class. I know one should get the first division in class but the child should learn the real essence of what lesson he is learning he should not grasp the whole lesson and get full marks in exams but the essence of what he has to grab is still missing.
Hope everyone has watched 3 Idiot movies there was a character “Chattur Ramalingiam who used to grasp the lesson as it was and did not understand what the lesson is telling. One should learn the lesson but understand the real essence of chapters.
We should not forget the news youth died because he did not fulfill the marks that his parents wanted. And it’s the real truth of today’s child. We don’t have any idea what we are trying to do with our life. We all are spoiling our life with shit that everyone is putting on us.
“BRAIN DRAIN’ is the perfect word for this content. As what we are doing with ourselves. As we grow up inferiority becomes a part of our life. Our shoulders become down. What we want to say half is always in our mind. We don’t even interpret to others what we are trying to say. This has become our habit or we can say day-to-day routine.
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To get rid of this we have to free our child/ youth not that much free should focus on his child like the universe he cares him from above. Parents have to become like friends and treat child like that only so that he/she should always tell the truth and parents are aware of what are they doing when they are doing it, and how they are doing it. I mean a proper conversation with parents can heal many problems and confusion will be sought out.
Everyone has watched the movie “TARE ZAMEEN PAR” in which there was a kid what to say but can’t say to their parents. After that what their parents have done is they have to send him to boarding school but the solution is we should understand what problem of youth is do a solution like in the movie what “AMIR KAHN” did in the movie.
You just need to find that key that ur child want and then u can see the result. Come what may be with your kids and just bless them